The WTM Port Elizabeth Centre has been established because all the issues within our society, every single one, from gender-and-race-based violence to petty and extreme crimes, to massive atrocities against nations, to rhino poaching and other environmental crises, are all symptoms of the same problem: the human condition! And so it’s that underlying issue, our species’ insensitive and destructive psychosis that has to be addressed and fixed if we are to solve the world’s problems.
As Sir Laurens van der Post also said: “Man everywhere is dangerously unaware of himself. We really know nothing about the nature of man, and unless we hurry to get to know ourselves we are in dangerous trouble.”
And, thankfully, that ‘dangerous unawareness’ is exactly what Jeremy Griffith has ended with this, THE redeeming, reconciling and rehabilitating understanding of the human condition!!! So please — explore this website, learn about the human condition and its resolution, and get in touch!
To commence your investigation of this all-liberating and all-healing understanding, we encourage you to access all the free material — including videos, essays and books — that is available on the WTM’s website at We especially recommend you watch THE Interview, The Great Guilt, The Great Transformation, Sermon On The Beach, and Videos 1–16 that appear there.
We also encourage people to subscribe to the WTM’s mailing list. As a subscriber you will receive notifications of live events; one free essay, mainly by Jeremy Griffith, each week; and rare news flashes. We also strongly encourage you to join on our ever-growing Facebook Group and participate in the extraordinary discussions about all aspects of how to live with this critical new science!