“Saving the environment depended on finding redeeming and ameliorating understanding of ourselves. If you want to save the snow leopard, or the giant Redwoods, or the Okavango delta, or the Amazon, or the atmosphere, or the Earth, or those you love, or yourself, or the human race, this is the only path that can achieve that — so the truth is the sooner you support and adopt this path of TRANSFORMATION through understanding the better. The choice is self-destruction or self-discovery.”
Jeremy Griffith
The finding of the biological explanation of the human condition by biologist Jeremy Griffith makes possible the immediate transformation of your and every other human’s life from a human-condition-stricken state to a human-condition-free life of unimaginable happiness and excitement.
As this fully accountable, psychosis-addressing-and-solving, real biological explanation of the human condition (that is presented in THE Interview and Video/Freedom Essay 3) reveals, when we humans became fully conscious some 2 million years ago a battle for the management of our lives unavoidably broke out between our already established gene-based, naturally-selected instinctive orientations and our newly emerged nerve-based, understanding-dependent, self-adjusting, fully conscious mind. Unable to explain and understand why we had to challenge our instincts, we became psychologically retaliatory, defensive and insecure—upset sufferers of the angry, egocentric and alienated human condition. But having now finally found the explanation for why we had to challenge our instincts, all the retaliatory, defensive and insecure upset anger, egocentricity and alienation can subside and heal. Understanding relieves and replaces the need to be retaliatory, defensive and insecure.
It’s true that while we now have the psychologically relieving understanding to rehabilitate the human race, the complete return to health and happiness will take a number of generations. This is because it usually takes years of psychological healing for all the insecurities, confusions and misunderstandings and their effects to be replaced and repaired with understanding, so it follows that in the case of the largest psychosis of all of the human condition, that healing process will be a generational process.
HOWEVER, while our species’ psychological rehabilitation will take a number of generations, what is of immense importance and is so spectacularly wonderful is that every human can immediately know that he or she is fundamentally good and not bad, and that this knowledge puts each of us in a very powerful position because it means we can legitimately decide not to live in accordance with the upset within us.
The logic behind making this decision is irrefutable: now that the great goal of the whole human journey of conscious thought and enquiry is achieved and we have found understanding of our conflicted and distressed human condition, all the old retaliatory, defensive and insecure behaviours of anger, egocentricity and alienation that we had to employ to cope while we couldn’t defend ourselves with understanding are no longer needed. They are obsoleted, brought to an end. In fact, with this knowledge of the human condition now found, it would be an act of total irresponsibility, indeed madness, to continue down that old, insecure, defensive and destructive road. The truth is, there is nothing in the way now of every human taking up a magnificent, unburdened, human-condition-free, transformed life!
And, gloriously, what happens when we give up our old way of living and take up the new way of living that understanding of the human condition has made possible, is we transition from a competitive and selfishly behaved person to a cooperative and selflessly behaved one, a truly integrative part of humanity. Even though we are not yet free of the psychologically upset state of our own personal human condition, we can immediately have a change of attitude and decide not to live out that upset state that remains within us. The overall effect in our lives is that, despite our retention of the upset state of the human condition, we are effectively free from its hold and its influence, which is an absolutely fabulous transformation to have made in an instant — in one simple decision!
For everything you need to know about the Transformed Way of Living, see the Transformation page on the WTM’s website.
(Source: WTM FAQ 1.4, ‘How can everyone’s lives be immediately transformed? / What is the transformed state?’ at www.humancondition.com/wtm-faq-how-everyones-lives-can-be-transformed/)
“We’re not going to win this battle for creation unless we win the battle for greater awareness.”
Sir Laurens van der Post’s recognition of the source of our capacity for destruction — which Jeremy Griffith has finally explained using first principle-based biology!
In an 1989 interview, Sir Laurens van der Post (1906–1996), the prophetic South African author, explorer and eminent conservationist, spoke passionately on human’s impact on the natural world. He began by reflecting on the plight of the white rhinos, recalling how when he was just six, he was ‘horrified to hear that there were only nine white rhinos alive in the world…What I felt then…has grown into a certainty that unless we succeed in arresting the assault and violation of the natural world, we ourselves will not survive’ (Quadrant: The Journal of Contemporary Jungian Thought, Vol 23, No. 2). He went on to recognise that ‘[the] battle started, or the threat started, long, long, before the rhino was threatened, perhaps long before the rhino existed, long before I was born...’. And significantly, ‘It seems to me that the most important thing we have to grasp is how old this battle is…[the] devastation, this spoliation of nature has gone on for centuries, and unless we realize how old, how stubborn, how devastating is this thing in us that exploits nature this way, we will not tackle the problem properly…where does this strange urge to destroy come from?’.
Van der Post points to the emergence of consciousness as the most significant aspect in our species, citing the great ancient Greek myth of Prometheus, which ‘…says to us very clearly where it began. It began with the Promethean gift of fire. When Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to human beings, the trouble began…this fire, of course, was consciousness…The gods suddenly allowed a particular animal species on earth to become conscious. And in the history of life on earth…consciousness is a young phenomenon. It’s young, it’s new, and it’s vulnerable…’, with the result being ‘…this great power of consciousness has gradually corrupted us…we’re not going to win this battle for creation unless we win the battle for greater awareness…time is going to come when the earth itself will turn bitter, when nature will turn bitter…when everything on earth will turn against us and we’ll vanish.’
This ‘battle for greater awareness’ to prevent ‘the assault and violation of the natural world, [where] we ourselves will not survive’ has been the life’s undertaking of one of the most powerful thinkers of all time, Jeremy Griffith. And, thankfully, Jeremy has won that battle for psychological awareness — for he has plumbed the depths of what it is to be human to find the redeeming and transforming understanding of our troubled selves, ending this ‘battle for greater awareness’ no less, and so ending all the ‘devastation [and] spoliation of nature [that] has gone on for centuries’. It is a phenomenal achievement that cannot be understated.
Learn more about Jeremy Griffith and read a summary of his explanation for the emergence of human consciousness in Freedom Essay 24.
Jeremy Griffith considers Sir Laurens van der Post to be “the most exceptional denial-free thinking prophet and philosopher of the twentieth century. The depth of his influence on Jeremy’s life is revealed by the fact that he is the author most often quoted in his book FREEDOM”. Read more about Sir Laurens’s importance and immense contribution to humanity in Freedom Essay 51.